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Reducing Employee MSDs

Arresting back and neck pain for South Yorkshire Police Force

  • 64% reduction in the numbers of employees suffering with MSDs
  • Reduction in physiotherapy referrals and costs, with a reduction in abstraction time to attend appointments
  • Access to immediate solution-focused interventions
  • £65,000 per year cost saving

Back, neck, shoulder and knee problems were a significant cause of absence for South Yorkshire Police. Their occupational health team used the FLX programme to help them deliver part of their Health and Wellbeing Strategy with a focus on rehabilitation, injury prevention and maximising performance across a range of job roles.

Reduced Absence with Big Savings

Through regular use of the app and self-management of their pain symptoms, users saw a significant improvement. The results were impressive: over 3 months, the incidence of MSDs was reduced by 64%, and there was a decrease in absence from 43 to 18 days per month. By providing the FLX programme to 237 staff, South Yorkshire Police Force made savings of £65,000 per year. Many users were able to make a prompt return to work to either the same or, in many cases, more active duties.

Physical and Psychological Benefits

Users reported that the app helped them understand more about their condition, and this enabled much more effective management, reduction or resolution of their symptoms and an increase in their sense of confidence in their overall health.

The FLX programme demonstrated that it could improve users’ movement and function, with a 149% increase in flexibility, a 42% improvement in mobility, and a 95% increase in function.

"It has become an invaluable aspect of the assessment, health promotion and health screening work we undertake" - Sharon Whitehouse, Occupational Health Manager, South Yorkshire Police

  • 3 month study of 237 police workers
  • 64% reduction in MSDs
  • Reduced the rate of absenteeism from 43 to 18 days per month
  • Saved £65,000 per year

All Expert Advice